West House, West Street, Buckingham, MK18 1HE
01280 817842
Vargo Pipes Eco Friendly Nomical Smart Blue light
Discover our range of district heating pipes

Alongside our brilliant range of flexible pre-insulated pex pipes, we also offer a huge range of fittings and accessories to help you get the job done. However, our flexible pre-insulated pex pipes can come in lengths of up to 380m, meaning connections can be kept to a minimum. They can also be laid in much shallower trenches when compared to more traditional pipes. With a maximum operating temperature of 95 Degrees Celsius, they are perfect for hot and cold-water distribution, and you can also use our 10 Bar pex pipe for sanitary purposes.

As a flexible coiled pre-insulated pex pipe, our products are extremely easy to lay and can be used in areas where access may be limited. If you’re considering using the Ecopex pipe system for your next project, please don’t hesitate to contact our knowledgeable team, who will be happy to advise you on the best options available.

Vargo Pipes Eco Friendly Nomical Smart
Ecopex Uno Heating (6 Bars)

Ecopex Uno Heating pipe is a fully bonded system comprising a cross-linked polyethene (PEX) carrier pipe (complete with an EVOH oxygen diffusion barrier), polyurethane foam insulation and low-density polyethene (PE-LD) protective outer casing, manufactured in accordance with BSEN 15632-1/2.

Pipes are also available with a thicker grade of insulation (PLUS) providing lower heat losses.

Maximum operating temperature of 95 Deg C. (Can withstand up to 110 Deg C for short periods of time)

Maximum operating pressure of 6 Bars.

Black Red Uno Heating Single Vargo Pipes
Pipe Description Carrier Pipe OD (mm) Carrier Pipe ID (mm) Carrier Pipe Wall Thickness (mm) DN Size (mm) Inch Size (“) Casing Size (mm) Weight (kg/m) Bending Radius (m) Max Coil Lengths (m)
25/75 25 20.4 2.3 20 3/4 75 0.91 0.80 830
25/90 PLUS 25 20.4 2.3 20 3/4 90 1.02 0.80 580
32/75 32 26.2 2.9 25 1 75 1.02 0.80 830
32/90 PLUS 32 26.2 2.9 25 1 90 1.4 0.80 580
40/90 40 32.6 3.7 32 1 1/4 90 1.5 0.80 580
40/110 PLUS 40 32.6 3.7 32 1 1/4 110 1.99 0.85 380
50/110 50 40.8 4.6 40 1 1/2 110 1.99 0.85 380
50/125 PLUS 50 40.8 4.6 40 1 1/2 125 2.23 0.90 250
63/125 63 51.6 5.7 50 2 125 2.61 0.90 250
63/140 PLUS 63 51.6 5.7 50 2 140 3.51 1.00 170
75/140 75 61.4 6.8 2 1/2 2 1/2 140 3.37 1.00 170
75/160 PLUS 75 61.4 6.8 2 1/2 2 1/2 160 4.35 1.00 144
90/160 90 73.6 8.2 80 3 160 4.59 1.00 144
90/180 PLUS 90 73.6 8.2 80 3 180 4.92 1.40 110
110/160 110 90 10 100 4 160 6.4 1.20 144
110/180 PLUS 110 90 10 100 4 180 5.7 1.40 84
125/180 125 102.2 11.4 125 5 180 6.41 1.40 78
140/200 140 114.6 12.7 125 5 200 7.65 12
160/250 160 130.8 14.6 150 6 250 11.42 12
Ecopex Uno Heating (6 Bars)

Ecopex Uno Heating pipe is a fully bonded system comprising a cross-linked polyethene (PEX) carrier pipe (complete with an EVOH oxygen diffusion barrier), polyurethane foam insulation and low-density polyethene (PE-LD) protective outer casing, manufactured in accordance with BSEN 15632-1/2.

Pipes are also available with a thicker grade of insulation (PLUS) providing lower heat losses.

Maximum operating temperature of 95 Deg C. (Can withstand up to 110 Deg C for short periods of time)

Maximum operating pressure of 6 Bars.

Black Red Uno Heating Single Vargo Pipes
Ecopex Duo Heating (6 Bars)

Ecopex Duo Heating pipes are manufactured to the exact same standards as the Ecopex Uno Heating pipes.

Ecopex Duo Heating pipes can be used in areas where access is limited and trench sizes must be kept to a minimum. They can also provide cost savings for the pipe material and the groundworks and associated civil works due to the reduced trench dimensions.

Maximum operating temperature of 95 Deg C. (Can withstand up to 110 Deg C for short periods of time)

Maximum operating pressure of 6 Bars.

Black Pre insulated pipes Ecopex Duo Heating
Pipe Description Carrier Pipe OD (mm) Carrier Pipe ID (mm) Carrier Pipe Wall Thickness (mm) DN Size (mm) Inch Size (“) Casing Size (mm) Weight (kg/m) Bending Radius (m) Max Coil
Lengths (m)
2×25/90 25 20.4 2.3 20 3/4 90 1.4 0.80 580
2×25/110 PLUS 25 20.4 2.3 20 3/4 110 1.92 0.85 380
2×32/110 32 26.2 2.9 25 1 110 1.92 0.85 380
2×32/125 PLUS 32 26.2 2.9 25 1 125 2.51 0.90 250
2×40/125 40 32.6 3.7 32 1 1/4 125 2.49 0.90 250
2×40/140 PLUS 40 32.6 3.7 32 1 1/4 140 3.31 1.00 170
2×50/160 50 40.8 4.6 40 1 1/2 160 3.8 1.00 144
2×50/180 PLUS 50 40.8 4.6 40 1 1/2 180 5.08 1.20 120
2×63/180 63 51.6 5.7 50 2 180 5.23 1.20 120
2×63/200 PLUS 63 51.6 5.7 50 2 200 5.92 1.40 80
2×75/200 75 61.4 6.8 2 1/2 2 1/2 200 6.25 1.40 80
Ecopex Duo Heating (6 Bars)

Ecopex Duo Heating pipes are manufactured to the exact same standards as the Ecopex Uno Heating pipes.

Ecopex Duo Heating pipes can be used in areas where access is limited and trench sizes must be kept to a minimum. They can also provide cost savings for the pipe material and the groundworks and associated civil works due to the reduced trench dimensions.

Maximum operating temperature of 95 Deg C. (Can withstand up to 110 Deg C for short periods of time)

Maximum operating pressure of 6 Bars.

Black Pre insulated pipes Ecopex Duo Heating
Ecopex Uno Sanitary (10 Bars)

Ecopex Sanitary pipe is a fully bonded system comprising a cross linked polyethylene (PEX) carrier pipe, polyurethane foam insulation and low density polyethylene (PE-LD) protective outercasing, manufactured in accordance with BSEN 15632-1/2.

Pipes are also available with a thicker grade of insulation (PLUS) providing lower heat losses.

Maximum operating temperature of 95 Deg C.  (Can withstand up to 110 Deg C for short periods of time)

Maximum operating pressure of 10 Bars.

Black Grey Single Ecopex Uno Sanitary Vargo Pipes
Pipe Description Carrier Pipe OD (mm) Carrier Pipe ID (mm) Carrier Pipe Wall Thickness (mm) DN Size (mm) Inch Size (“) Casing Size (mm) Weight (kg/m) Bending Radius (m) Max Coil
Lengths (m)
25/75 25 18 3.5 20 3/4 75 1.01 0.80 830
25/90 PLUS 25 18 3.5 20 3/4 90 1.15 0.80 580
32/75 32 23.2 4.4 25 1 75 1.1 0.80 830
32/90 PLUS 32 23.2 4.4 25 1 90 1.19 0.80 580
40/90 40 29 5.5 32 1 1/4 90 1.6 0.80 580
40/110 PLUS 40 29 5.5 32 1 1/4 110 1.76 0.85 380
50/110 50 36.2 6.9 40 1 1/2 110 2.2 0.85 380
50/125 PLUS 50 36.2 6.9 40 1 1/2 125 2.41 0.90 250
63/125 63 45.8 8.6 50 2 125 2.97 0.90 250
63/140 PLUS 63 45.8 8.6 50 2 140 3.25 1.00 170
Ecopex Uno Sanitary (10 Bars)

Ecopex Sanitary pipe is a fully bonded system comprising a cross linked polyethylene (PEX) carrier pipe, polyurethane foam insulation and low density polyethylene (PE-LD) protective outercasing, manufactured in accordance with BSEN 15632-1/2.

Pipes are also available with a thicker grade of insulation (PLUS) providing lower heat losses.

Maximum operating temperature of 95 Deg C.  (Can withstand up to 110 Deg C for short periods of time)

Maximum operating pressure of 10 Bars.

Black Grey Single Ecopex Uno Sanitary Vargo Pipes
Ecopex Duo Sanitary (10 Bars)

Ecopex Duo Sanitary pipes are manufactured to the exact same standards as the Ecopex Uno Sanitary pipes.

Ecopex Duo Heating pipes can be used in areas where access is limited and trench sizes must be kept to a minimum. They can also provide cost savings for the pipe material and the groundworks and associated civil works due to the reduced trench dimensions.

Maximum operating temperature of 95 Deg C. (Can withstand up to 110 Deg C for short periods of time)

Maximum operating pressure of 10 Bars.

Black Grey Ecopex Duo Sanitary Vargo Pipes
Pipe Description Carrier Pipe OD (mm) Carrier Pipe ID (mm) Carrier Pipe Wall Thickness (mm) DN Size (mm) Inch Size (“) Casing Size (mm) Weight (kg/m) Bending Radius (m) Max Coil
Lengths (m)
25+20/90 25 + 20 18 + 14.4 3.5 + 2.8 20 + 15 3/4 + 5/8 90 1.41 0.80 580
25+20/110 PLUS 25 + 20 18 + 14.4 3.5 + 2.8 20 + 15 3/4 + 5/8 110 1.55 0.85 380
32+20/110 32 + 20 23.2 + 14.4 4.4 + 2.8 25 + 15 1 + 5/8 110 2.02 0.85 380
32+20/125 PLUS 32 + 20 23.2 + 14.4 4.4 + 2.8 25 + 15 1 + 5/8 125 2.22 0.90 250
40+25/125 40 + 25 29 + 18 5.5 + 3.5 32 + 20 1 1/4 + 3/4 125 2.62 0.90 250
40+25/140 PLUS 40 + 25 29 + 18 5.5 + 3.5 32 + 20 1 1/4 + 3/4 140 2.88 1.00 170
50+32/125 50 + 32 36.2 + 23.2 6.9 + 4.4 40 + 25 1 1/2 + 1 125 3.48 0.90 250
50+32/160 PLUS 50 + 32 36.2 + 23.2 6.9 + 4.4 40 + 25 1 1/2 + 1 160 3.82 1.00 120
Ecopex Duo Sanitary (10 Bars)

Ecopex Duo Sanitary pipes are manufactured to the exact same standards as the Ecopex Uno Sanitary pipes.

Ecopex Duo Heating pipes can be used in areas where access is limited and trench sizes must be kept to a minimum. They can also provide cost savings for the pipe material and the groundworks and associated civil works due to the reduced trench dimensions.

Maximum operating temperature of 95 Deg C. (Can withstand up to 110 Deg C for short periods of time)

Maximum operating pressure of 10 Bars.

Black Grey Ecopex Duo Sanitary Vargo Pipes